Online learning has completely transformed the way in which learning in higher education is imparted to learners. Unlike traditional face-to-face lectures, online learning makes learning simpler, easier, and more effective. Here are some of the tools that can be use to supplement and enhance the online teaching and learning process:

Live Teaching

Live teaching is synchronous event organized in a live virtual meeting platform where educator and learners together to conduct online teaching and learning.


An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic.


Create interactive presentation slides that are engaging and inspiring.


Increase student online participation, engagement and motivation with Kahoot, Quizziz and so on.


Record or transmit video of data displayed on the screen of a computer for online learning purposes.

Graphic Tablet

A graphics tablet is a computer input device that enables educators to hand-draw images, input mathematics calculations and many more, with a special pen-like stylus.


Discover and animate a lecture scene with the help of these platform. capture students interest and make your classes more engaging.

Teaching and Learning Additional Resources

Explore other platforms that can be use to enchance students further understanding and knowledge.

Augmented Reality

AR can increase learner engagement by letting learners participate more proactively and authentically with the learning content, rather than being passive recipients of information.


These platforms enable ideas sharing among learners. It beneficial for group discussion, group assignment and so on.

Video Authoring

Create a video that can attract students attention with these recommended tools.