Nadira binti Abdul Rahman

Director of
Centre of University Courses
and Innovative Learning

Director's Message


The nucleation formation of Centre of University Courses and Innovative Learning (UCiL) was laid-upon initial operation of University Courses Services Centre (UCSC) which was first established back in April 2016 and was remolded to integrate and assimilate additional roles and responsibilities in driving the thrust and momentum of digital learning and excellence teaching/learning development of the university which is in line with the university’s mission and vision. UCiL has two main job scopes which are managing the Innovative Learning Academy and University Courses. The Academy is primarily a learning platform where efforts and initiatives were planned and implemented with focus to initiate, coordinate, and continuously improve current methodology, pedagogy and state-of-arts technological learning ecosystem in enhancing teaching and maximizing effective learning experience for all learners in both conventional and digital modes through deep and active involvement of each academic schools/faculties. For start, two specific divisions under academy were established to spearhead, lead and fulfil the objectives of Innovative Learning Academy which are Learning Management Ecosystem and e-Learning Resources and Innovative Learning. Additional division to-be-established based on needs. The main function of Learning Management Ecosystem and e-Learning Resources Division is to provide support on suitable technological platform and know-how through, relevant software, engines, tools and equipment. On the other hands, Innovative Learning Division will be focusing on content reviewing, development, policy, guidelines, training and etc. to ensure effective implementation.

Centre of University Courses and Innovative Learning @ UCiL also manages all common University Courses that is part of UCTS’ obligation and efforts in fulfilling the requirements of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) in which all Malaysian and International students must complete and pass the University Compulsory Subjects (UCS) and General Studies (Mata Pelajaran Umum or MPU) as a prerequisite for the award of a certificate, diploma or undergraduate degree. As part of continuous effort of Malaysia government in redesigning the higher education and towards Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education), the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) also requires MPU subjects to be included into every University’s academic planning to inculcate students with the skills and knowledge that are beyond the bounds of academic disciplines to produce more intellectual, balanced and holistic graduates.